"Pokemon Go" is an iOS and Android juggernaut, but the app based on this beloved Nintendo franchise can sustain its popularity for only so long. Here are five reasons why "Pokemon Go" will ultimately be a short-term fad. 1) Too Hot Not To Cool Down: "Pokemon Go" flew relatively under the radar even during its closed beta tests, but as soon as the game went public, the Internet exploded. This small download quickly became one of the web's most-discussed topics, and was honored as the biggest app of all time after just a few days. It's already making millions, and Nintendo share prices have risen about 30 percent. That degree of instantaneous growth is unprecedented and it's likely the trend can only go down from here. Even the slightest drop in activity over the next few months could easily create the perception that the concept is losing traction. Once that doubt takes hold, audiences may become less interested. In other words, ...