Unlike on UNIX based systems, installing and configuring RVM on a Windows machine properly in order to be able to use the new possibilities in Drupal's Omega 4 theme could become a difficult task. But running that process through the cygwin environment makes it possible.
Installing cygwin and required dependencies
Make sure you install the 32-bit version of cygwin, as otherwise you could get errors when trying to compile your ruby when installing it through rvm. So Install cygwin with following packages and their dependencies:
automake, bison, colorgcc, curl, gcc-g++, gcc-core, git, git-completion, git-gui, git-svn, gitk, libreadline7, libtool, libyaml-devel, libyaml0_2, make, mercurial, mingw64-i686-gcc-g++, nano, ncurses, openssh, openssl, openssl-devel, patch, readline, unzip, zlib, zlib-devel, sqlite3, mingw64-x86_64-gcc
Installing RVM
Open cygwin's command prompt and start the installation of RVM with the following command:
curl -L https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable
This should download and install RVM in your in /home/user01/.rvm/ directory. So far so good. Just type
rvm -v
to ensure that RVM is installed. If you have installed ruby on your Windows machine previously - e.g. through something like Ruby Installer - I recommend to go ahead and uninstall it, as you will be managing your rubies through rvm from now on anyway.
Check that all cygwin requirements for RVM are installed:
rvm requirements
If you need to install additional requirements and sends you an error listing the missing requirements then install those requirements using the cygwin setup.exe again, then run:
rvm requirements
and you should get the message:
Checking requirements for cygwin.
Requirements installation successful.
So now if you type
ruby -v
you should get something like "ruby not found", which we will change very soon.
Installing the ruby for your omega theme
Assuming, that you have a omega subtheme in your drupal installation, you can now navigate in the command line to the root of the subtheme. As soon as you are there RVM should recognize by the contents of the .ruby-version file that it needs to install a specific ruby version for that directory. In my case I get a message like
ruby-1.9.3-p448 is not installed.
To install do: 'rvm install ruby-1.9.3-p448'
So start the installation of the required version of ruby by entering
rvm install ruby-1.9.3-p448
Just press any key to continue if you're asked to install additional requirements. Then the installer should download, extract, configure, compile and install the version of ruby you specified.
Running bundler to install the necessary gems
If all went well you now have rvm and the version of ruby required by omega and you can run
bundle install
at that point, in order to install all gems for your omega theme. You will probably get an error of something like "... stack level too deep (SystemStackError)...". This is a cygwin/ruby issue and a good explanation and solution can be found here. So just run
peflags -X409600 `which ruby`
and now you can repeat
bundle install
This should download and install all gems, specified in the Gemfile file, create the Gemfile.lock just as usual.
Solve errors while running compass watch
At that point you can already run
compass watch
to have your sass files compile according to the settings in the config.rb file. The initial compilation will succeed, but you will probably get an error when you edit and the try to save a sass file of something like ("user01" is obviously my username at this cygwin installation. Yours may be different):
ArgumentError on line ["465"] of /home/user01/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.3-p448/lib/ruby/1.9.1/pathname.rb: different prefix:
Run with --trace to see the full backtrace
This is a Windows-file system/compass issue and you can find good information of what is going on here.
The file you should edit in this case is the pathname.rb, which belongs to the fssm gem which was installed specifically for your theme by bundler earlier. It is residing in the /home/user01/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p448@omega.new_omega/gems/fssm-0.2.10/lib/fssm directory.
Edit line 26 and append the following code to it
unless path[0, 1] == File::SEPARATOR
so that the full line 26 is reading
array[0] += File::SEPARATOR if path[0, 3] =~ SEPARATOR_PAT unless path[0, 1] == File::SEPARATOR
Now you can try out
compass watch
again and it should work.