Google is rolling out an update to Google Now that will allow you to dictate and send messages through a number of popular third-party messaging apps including WhatsApp, the company announced in a blog post. WeChat, Viber, Telegram, and NextPlus are the other initial third-party services that Google Now will be able to send messages through. Simply say "Ok Google, send a WhatsApp message to Tom," and Google will render and send the message through the proper service.
The feature is currently only available in English, but Google says it will be adding more languages and more apps in the future. This is just the latest step in Google's attempt to turn Google Now into your true personal assistant, and it's a smart move. Google is consistently improving and adding features to Google Now, at a faster rate than Microsoft is with Cortana, and much faster than Apple has with Siri. At this rate, it won't be a competition for much longer.
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